If you need to get in contact with one of us, please use this information. Or, you can send us a message using the form below.
573.445.1892 (24/7)
573.808.4342 (Wendy cellular) accepts text messages
573.808.4342 (Wendy cellular) accepts text messages
Fax: 573.256.8928 (24/7)
Mailing Address:
Warnken Properties
1410 Ross Street, Suite E
Columbia, MO 65201 USA
1410 Ross Street, Suite E
Columbia, MO 65201 USA
We do not maintain regular office hours at our Ross Street office. If you would like to visit with us there, please contact us for an appointment.
Directions to Our Office:
Ross Street is the “hidden” street just one block east of campus. From College Avenue, take Wilson, then turn on Lee Street at Lee Street Deli, and left on Ross. The office Is behind Ross Street Apartments at 1410E Ross.
Contact Lists for Tenants: